Wednesday 28 October 2015



I chose this image because I think it represents the theme of shape well, there are two shapes the circle ring, makes a heart shape with a shadow on the page.

This image also represents the theme of shape. It could also go in the theme repetition, the image is shown to make the flowers look three dimensional, which is also shown by the form.

This image also shows shape well, all the different trees are similar but each one has a slightly different shape. The trees are also silhouetted which makes the shape stand out more as there are no features to focus on. 

My Photos

I took this image because I think it represents the theme of shape well. It shows a tree that looks like multiple trees twisted together, which gives it a different shape, it is also showing other trees that look like normal trees which shows the difference in shape.

I believe this image also shows the theme of shape well. It has 4 pumpkins which are all different shapes. We have the original shape in the top right corner, and the other 3 pumpkins are shaped differently. 

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